What better day to start my first set of ‘musings’ than April Fools. Being a true definition of an ‘Aries Warrior’ and believe it, or not I am also a 'RAM’ in regards to the Chinese horoscope, which makes for a double-whammy of headstrong warrior spirit. A quality sorely lacking in my said adversaries, the Department for Works and Pensions (DWP). In fact I really need to hone into the real culprits and that is the Access to Work (AtW) Department.
Any which way you look at my situation over the past seven years (that’s right seven whole years), it has been a consistent and sustained campaign of bullying, harassment and intimidation. For what you may ask? What did I do to deserve eight Officers (Metropolitan Police & DWP) of various descriptions banging on my front door within a quiet cul-de-sac at 6.50am on Thursday, 15th December 2022?
I found myself caught up in the middle of a bureaucratic shit-show that’s what happened! Despite my efforts to engage my local MP, the Independent Commissioners Office (ICO), Independent Case Examiner (ICE) and even the incumbent of Number 10, Downing Street, no less. With no help, or guidance forthcoming, as the buck was passed continually and blame never fully admitted or reconciled. I will do a deep-dive into my ‘original’ letter addressed to Prime Minister Theresa May dated the 5th May 2017 and how I became ‘targeted’ during my next set of ‘musings’. At this point in time, I don’t know who gave the order that led us all here but over the coming 12 months, I am sure we are all going to find out!
For now, I would like to take this opportunity to explain how the events of the 15th December, led me to making the decision to resign as a director of ELREM Ltd, a company I established on the 5th April 2017. I am sure this decision will come as a complete surprise to many, as we did phenomenal work and created opportunities for people who either lacked-representation, or were quite frankly ignored by the very organisations who purport to support the most vulnerable members of our society within the world of work. Yes, I am talking about the DWP!
Out of respect to my legal team who have already gone ‘above and beyond’, in their support of the ‘unjustifiable’ situation I find myself in. I have to be a wee bit careful at just how much venom I shoot in the direction of a ‘soul-less’ group of dysfunctional and somewhat useless specimens of the human race. I used think that it must be some form of ‘calling’ to become a ‘civil servant’ but it fact, I believe, they are just a lazy bunch of individuals brought together with the common goal of pouring scorn on anyone that has the temerity to forge their own path in life and not succumb to their own inadequacies. They stay in a morally corrupt station due to a lack of confidence in their own ability, sadly, these people have the power to make other peoples' lives miserable. Basically, civil servants are the parking wardens, or the GP secretary of the Government hierarchical chain that have been given far too much power for the talent they possess.
I might add, the police are supposed to serve the people and not support government agendas. Having been born and bred in Hackney, like many Eastenders, I’ve never been a fan of the police, it's ingrained that they are basically enemies of the working people. But, even I was somewhat surprised upon viewing the 25 Ring videos which captured the ‘callous idiots’ in blue ‘aiding and abetting’ DWP agents. I’ve been informed by several legal firms that my case against the DWP crosses several strands of law, Discrimination under the Equality Act 2010, Human Rights violations and Public Law. All of which, come under the remit of ‘Civil Law’ that maybe, but I also, believe what is taking place is a ‘Crime’ of ‘Malicious Intent’ as their actions are a deliberate attempt to sabotage my company, my professional reputation and most importantly my health and well-being. All my communications with the DWP have been in writing so they know everything I say is backed up with written evidence. There are lots of different strands to this story with a whole host of characters who will be ‘named and shamed’ during the course of the next 12 months.
I was always under the impression that ‘innocent until proven guilty’ was a real thing in British society, apparently not, given the powers that the DWP have been given to gain entry into your property and seize whatever they see fit with no actual evidence. As John Pring of Disability News Service (DNS) stated in his article from May 2022 “Fears over impact of DWP’s horrific and sinister anti-fraud plan”, the new powers given to the DWP are a step-too-far and the overreach is an infringement on all our civil liberties.
Amongst, a whole host of unfounded accusations and allegations, I was accused of working through the Government approved ‘Lockdowns’, like it was a crime. Even though, I was unable to comment, I wanted to shout out, “I didn’t have a choice”, as neither myself, or our clients were entitled to the luxury of ‘furlough’ payments for doing sod-all. Don’t you just hate it, when pompous ‘fools’, who have never had to worry about paying their rent, or mortgage, sit on their high-horse pointing their fingers. Who were the targets of their unprecedented loathing? The self-employed and small business owners. It was hard enough for the fit and healthy, but try being D/deaf, disabled, or with a long-term health condition, like me and/or our clients. The pressure was unbearable and the impact on the collective mental health was tragic to watch. We had no choice but to continue working and finding new ways to assist our clients in their businesses.
Any which way you look at the shit-show we all find ourselves within the UK, there is one fact that no one can deny, and that is the ‘Establishment’ is actively attempting to crush the spirit of the ‘WE’ the people, be it through a ‘Virus’ that was never isolated, to ‘Lockdowns’ that caused suffering on a scale never seen before in our history, to ‘Vaccines’, that aren’t actually ‘Vaccines’, and which in all honesty (ask any non- compromised Doctor) do more harm than good! To starting unnecessary ‘Wars’ that no one (innocent civilians) can win, and creating a ‘Cost of Living Crisis’, whereby the ‘Rich’ get ‘Richer’ and the ‘Poor’ get ‘Poorer’. Did I forget to mention the bloody ‘Masks’, that they knew all along, were detrimental to ones health and mental well-being. They (our so-called protectors) kept referring to the ‘Spanish Flu’ and the importance of mask wearing. When in fact the vast majority of the deaths during the Spanish Flu were caused by Bacterial pneumonia due to the insistent mask wearing. Oh and how could I forget about the insanity behind the farcical ‘PCR Testing’, the test that doesn’t actually test for anything in particular, let alone, as I said previously, the so- called ‘Virus’ that has never been isolated. Sadly, the inventor of the ‘PCR Test’, Kary Mullis, (Nobel Prize Winner), passed away just prior to the scamdemic taking hold. Coincidence, or not, he was also a noted critic of Anthony Fauci.
Don’t take my word for it, do your own research, but you won’t find any sources of reliable information in the Main Stream Media (MSM), Social Media Platforms, or Google searches as all have been compromised. You need to look towards alternative media outlets, like TNT Radio and the UK Column. Upon cancelling my TV Licence during the madness of the ‘Lockdowns’ of 2020, my eyes and ears were opened by true pillars of the truth, all of whom were censored and belittled in the most savage of ways.
The ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ of the population has been stretched through the consistent blurring of the blatant ‘Conflict of Interests’ that have run rampant throughout the ‘Establishment’. Put your faith in yourself instead of their phoney science. There’s a reason why we have gut-feelings. For all those who have lost trust in the 'Establishment' I have added a list of doctors, professors, journalists and commentators who will rekindle your faith.
The true heroes of the past three years, were the ones who stood up against the global tyranny and did their best to inform without fear-mongering. At this point I have to give a big shout-out to Jeremy Nell aka Jerm Warfare. Jerm is a world class, award winning, political cartoonist who as you can see is an integral part of these ‘musings’. If you can’t relate to my story at least take on-board the visual cues, as they might just save a life or two... by helping to wake up the sleeping masses.
Jerm has played a big part in terms of my navigating through the scamdemic lies. His podcasts are a valuable source of information on subjects I wouldn’t have been well- versed in prior to March 2020. You can also catch-up with Jerm live on TNT Radio. Obviously, I don’t listen live as I am not allowed, as I don’t have a TV licence. How ridiculous a situation is that? In the UK you can’t listen, or watch anything live if you choose not to financially support a morally corrupt organisation such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Throughout the UK, Europe and the World, people have been protesting against the ‘abuse of power’ being administered by their governments. Did the BBC report on the protests? No, they didn’t. Therefore, they’re complicit and I for one, will not fund them.
Scroll through Jerm’s podcasts and you will come across interviews with truth-tellers such as the late, great Dr. Vladimir ‘Zev’ Zelenko, who even on his deathbed had the whole of humanity in his thoughts and prays. To this day, I am still taking the ‘Zelenko Protocol’, (every Monday, I take Ivermectin with Zinc, and dash of Olive Oil) as a prophylactic and its done well by me!
I couldn’t mention Dr. Zelenko, without also singing the praises of a few others who have become living legends for standing-up for the rights of ‘WE’ the people such as: Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Sucharit Bhakti, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Dave Cartland, Dr. Sam White, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Simone Gold, Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Dr. Roger Hodgkinson, Dr. Richard Fleming, Dr. Clare Craig and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.
Other ‘Warriors of Light’, include Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Holocaust survivor and Activist Vera Sharav, journalists Lara Logan, Patrick Henningsen, James Delingpole (not forgetting his brother Dick Delingpole) who between them and Laura Perrins managed to find humour within the depressing narrative. I recently listened to the comedian Abi Roberts first podcast with the cartoonist Bob Moran which gives a unique perspective on the past three years. Throw Catherine Austin Fitts, Robert F Kennedy, Edward Dowd, Daniela Cambone, Tony Edward and of course Jennifer Arcuri from the realms of Finance, Digital Assets and Blockchain payments (Crypto Currencies and no, I don’t mean Bitcoin!) into the mix and you have a well-rounded ensemble of ‘conscious thinkers’ from around the world leading the way to change.
I would mention the founders of the Barrington Declaration but they shied away from condemning the so-called vaccine for the elderly and vulnerable when in fact the elderly and vulnerable should never have been used as cannon-fodder. When I think of the gloriously peaceful passing of my beloved mother surrounded by pure love at St. Johns Hospice, in comparison to the care home deaths sanctioned by the government it disgusts me to my core. The barbaric actions of the 'Establishment' should never be forgotten.
As far as, I know, not one, British politician has stepped up prior to Andrew Brigen MP coming forward after himself being ‘Vaccine Damaged’. When he spoke in the House Commons, Conservative MP’s could be seen instructing Labour MP’s to leave the chamber, and the masses still believe there is a Left, Right, or Centre. The video of this event was immediately censored on Youtube. That folks, is not freedom of speech, free press or a democratic nation/society.
In Australia, Queensland, Senator Malcom Roberts stated, “I have no doubt that, as the truth comes to light, history will judge those in this Parliament as cowards for failing to stand up against the COVID B.S.’
In Europe, we have the formidable, Christine Anderson, German Member of European Parliament speaking at the European Parliament “This vaccine campaign, it will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history and moreover it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity”.
And we all need to express a debt of gratitude to the Dutch MEP, Rob Roos, who diligently fought for the truth from Pfizer (the clinical trials weren’t fit for purpose) Evidence of which has been duly splashed all over Twitter with the blessing of Elon Musk. Love him, or loath him, without him the truth would not have been allowed to reach the masses.
Due to my own compromised health, I had conversations with my Consultants and extended medical team throughout the first two years and realised very early on the truth was not being told and suicides would eventually out strip so-called Covid deaths.
We are looking at a seven year ‘Covid Enquiry’ which makes me think of the previous 'Establishment' enquiries whereby facts never actually see the light of day. Such as, the deliberate sinking of the Titanic, JFK’s assignation, Princess Diana’s ‘accident’, 9/11 (never mentioned Building 7) and the many false-flag events that have led to countless deaths of innocents, and shifted the ‘Overton Window’ in the way our lives and opinions have been manipulated to suit the narrative of the few (so called ‘elites’). If nothing else, these tragic events have proven to be motivators, awakening more and more people to the mass propaganda exercise going on.
I should follow on, by stating, the term ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ has been weaponised to discredit anyone who dares to question ‘the script’ being played out by fully signed-up members of the ‘World Economic Forum’ (WEF) and ‘World Health Organisation’ (WHO). When in reality most people aren’t aware of the origins of the term ‘Conspiracy Theorist’. The term as we know it, was created by the CIA during the Warren Commission following the assignation of President John F. Kennedy, to deter the masses from questioning the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald, couldn’t have been the lone-shooter on that fateful day (if he was a shooter at all). If you decide to go down the rabbit-hole there will be no going back as the bitter ‘Red Pills’ will force you to face many uncomfortable truths.
“Everyone thought Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started raining.” — Vladamir Zelenkov
I like many of my ilk, believe we have been in the midst of an ‘Information War’ for decades, if not centuries, Prior to his untimely passing Dr. Zelenko established the ‘Zelenko Freedom Foundation’ to carry on the fight against mis-information into what he described as ‘Crimes Against Humanity’. In memory of ‘Zev’ go out and find the good people you resonate with, as the road ahead is going to get pretty bumpy in the coming years. It’s been well established the leaders of ‘New World Order’ are hellbent on causing fear and suffering in order to gain utter control of us little people, there is no place in their new world for disobedience, or free-thinkers. They must be publicly ostracised, censored and removed from any form of public influence.
I too, will carry on the fight against the sustained abuse administered by the Access to Work Department towards myself and others, and in doing so, today marks the beginning of RAMLION Ltd. Through my newly established company, I will never be silenced again, I will be free to say it, as it is, without fear of reprisals against the people I care most about. I will continue to champion the ‘underdog’ and fight for my rights, as well as those around me.
Therefore, to the ‘Toxic’ individuals (you know who you are) who thought they were witnessing our demise, we have news for you... ‘Good’ will always overcome ‘Evil’ and the truth will be told. These ‘musings’ are cathartic in nature, as I am actively shedding the weight of expectation that I actually give damn about the DWP’s attempts to cast me as some type of villain. If being anti-establishment is deemed as evidence of wrong- doing, then it showcases the hypocrisy of our ‘civilised’ society, whereby we moralise and de-cry so called draconian forms of Government and their beliefs and realise we are embroiled in an illusion of democracy, freedom of speech, free press and a form of governance that should benefit the many and not the '1%' that hold all the wealth.
If I hadn’t caught the interview on GB News where Mark Dolan interviewed Jennifer Arcuri, back in July 2021, I wouldn’t have managed to position myself financially much to the distain of the DWP investigators, I might add. That’s not the only thing they disapprove of, according to the 25 Ring doorbell videos I have in my possession. But that’s a story for another day, as I don’t want to add fuel to the inferno and I am intrigued to see if the Metropolitan Police are capable of conducting an unbiased investigation. For instance, would they be taking my complaint of alleged ‘Misconduct’ (their terminology not mine) seriously, if I didn’t have the evidence?
The next phase of ‘Project Fear’, is being ramped up, ‘Climate Change/Net Zero’, ‘ULEZ’ and ‘15 Minutes Cities’. Councils and cities around the UK are being forced to comply with idiotic rules, that are yet again impacting on the self-employed and small business owners, and independent thinkers. No wonder Governments across the world want to silence dissenting voices.
I listened to a video recently of the astrologer, Pam Gregory that was sent to me (from one Aries to another). Pam so eloquently stated while discussing the powerhouse of planets over the next two years, “We are holding hands across the world as digital warriors to create a new earth!”
Pam went on to describe the recent ‘Aries New Moon and Equinox’ being a powerful force for change and seeing through the veil. I for one, am certainly seeing through the ‘veil of deceit’, and we can all be advocates for positive change, but that can only come from honest expression and debate and by giving a voice to all... it’s time to step-up against unelected entities force feeding us their ‘New World Order’ and embracing a new ideal that ‘WE’ the people have always held the power. All you have to do is voice your opposition and stand behind it.
We all need to do our bit in making sure the government is held accountable and a good starting point would be to add your name to the petition: CBDC UK government make sure it’s not programmable. From experience, I am pretty sure the DWP will use their upcoming digital service platform to target and abuse individuals who are reliant on the benefit system. Less of a problem for Access to Work, its a discretionary award, so if they don’t like you, for whatever reason, they will take it away from you... even if that means accusing you of wrong-doing, when all you did was call them out!
I am going to leave you with a powerful poem written by Margaret Anna Alice, ‘An Anthem for Justice’ which is beautifully read by the inspirational Dr. Tess Lawrie.